Who We Are

About Circular Traction Supply

Circular Traction Supply, Inc.History

Circular Traction Supply, Inc. was started in 1986, by Donald W. Meyer, D.C., to provide extension traction oriented products to the healing arts. The company is credited as being the first to create an adjustable home cervical extension traction kit, known as the Circular Cervical Traction Kit. CT Supply was also the first to invent a wearable, posture corrective cervical traction device, the Cervical Remodeling Collar™ and a wearable Spinal Remodeling Brace™.  Dr. Meyer has developed the use of these wearable spinal orthotics into an ambulatory rehabilitative therapy called “Ambulatory Postural Remodeling™”.   Dr. Meyer has also re-designed and refined the use of dynamic body weighting for postural correction and developed a “Pro-Lordotic” neck exerciser that aids in the restoration of the normal cervical lordosis while increasing range of motion.

Chiropractic Biophysics™, the leading, research-based, chiropractic technique, currently has Doctor Meyer instruct their doctors on the proper application of his functional/structural/postural rehabilitative devices. Interested readers can find past articles and case studies written by Doctor Meyer on the use of these products at the Chiropractic Biophysics web-site, www.idealspine.com.

Orders & Questions

Orders and questions can be mailed, called or faxed to our office. Orders or questions can also be e-mailed to us at info@circulartraction.com. Our fax number is (714) 847-8666.

Payment Options

Your first order, and subsequent orders, can be pre-paid, or can purchased with a Visa, Mastercard or American Express credit card. If a credit card number is on file for your account, it will be used for any future orders, unless you request and we agree to other terms. Billing for purchases, with payment due in 30 days, is available if we have a valid credit card number on file for your account. Any outstanding invoices past 60 days will be automatically charged to your credit card.

Shipping Method

All orders within the continental United States are shipped via FedEx ground. International orders are shipped via U.S. Postal Service or FedEx international economy, depending on the size of the package. If you would prefer a faster or alternate method of shipment, please let us know. You will be charged only for the cost of shipping. We do not charge a handling fee.