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Strong Extension-Based Exercise of the Cervical Spine – A Case Series

Click here to read article as it originality appeared in the CBP™ Journal INTRODUCTION In a recent paper published in the Journal of Rheumatology, the Cervical Overview Group conducted a large-scale meta-analysis of existing literature concerning the management of mechanical neck disorders, including radiculopathy(1).  The categories of evidence ranged fromstrong evidence, to moderate evidence, to…


Active Cervical/Thoracic Exercise Rehabilitation with Pro-Lordotic Traction

Click here to read article as it originality appeared in the CBP™ Journal INTRODUCTION It is usually more difficult to re-establish a lordosis in patients that present with a kyphotic cervical curvature and advanced degenerative joint disease (DJD). These patients usually complain of chronic cervical pain, muscle rigidity and restricted motion. Long term relief for…


Differentiating Neuromuscular from Musculoligamentous Subluxation

April 2006, Vol. 16, No. 2 INTRODUCTION Have you ever wondered how much of your patient’s lateral aberrant posture/structure is a true musculo-ligamentous fixation and how much is just a neuromuscular imbalance or dysfunction?  Musculoligamentous fixations require posture/structure corrective traction to be improved to as near normal as possible. Neuromuscular imbalance or dysfunction requires an…
